
VIII. Collective exhibits, comprising any of the above, lent by Governments, Government departments, scientific societies, or other public bodies.

The committee desire to make the exhibition as fully representative as possible of the present state and past history of geographical science.

The arrangement of such an exhibition will involve an immense amount of care, trouble, and discrimination, and it is therefore hoped that it will be kept open much longer than the ten days during which the the congress will sit.

We understand that negotiations are going on with the Imperial Institute with the view to hold both the congress and the exhibition in the spacious building at South Kensington. No doubt the Institute is a considerable distance from the Geographical centre of Londen, but it possesses many conveniences for such a meeting as that of the International Geographical Congress, and its many amenities will be welcome to the foreigner accustomed to take his summer pleasures in the open air.

The full programme and all information concerning the congress may be obtained by application to the secretaries at the Royal Geographical Society, 1, Savile-row, London, W.


De „Vereeniging voor Suriname" heeft aan den Minister van Koloniën het onderstaande adres betreffende deze gewichtige aangelegenheid aangeboden, waarop wij gaarne de aandacht van alle belangstellenden vestigen.

Aan Zijne Excellentie den Minister van Koloniën.


De Vereeniging voor Suriname, welke zich ten doel stelt de bevordering van de zedelijke en stoffelijke belangen van die Kolonie,
