work cut out in making such a selection as will be worthy of the congress and can be overtaken in the time at its disposal. As far as possible all the work of the congress will be transacted at general meetings, so as to avoid sectional meetings, which are, as a rule, sparsely attended.
The exhibition will be a most comprehensive one, as will be seen from the following programme:—
I. Instruments. — (i) Those designed for taking precise observations to be used in the construction of maps — (a) for the measurement of length; (b) for the measurement of are.
(2) Other instruments useful for various observations by travellers.
(3) Instruments and apparatus employed in oceanographical and limnological research.
(4) Series illustrating the history of instruments used for national surveys and by travellers and navigators.
II. Maps. — (1) Historical series to show the development of cartography.
(2) Representative series of the best existing maps — (d) physical;(£) geological; (c) cadastral; {d) military; (e) railway and telegraph; (f) statistical, shovving distribution of population, races, religion, natural resources, cultivation, fauna and flora, &c. (^) educational maps.
(3) Historical series of atlases.
(4) Travellers' field sketches.
III. Globes, reliefs, models, and all other special appliances for use in geographical education.
IV. Photographs and pictures. — (1) Collections of typical photographs and pictures from the geographical standpoint.
(2) Lantern slides illustrating characteristic scenery, racial types, and industries dependent on geographical conditions.
V. Equipment for travellers, including (1) models of tents, conveyances, camp gear, &c., for use in all climates and at all altitudes; (2) appliances adapted for the use of travellers.
VI. Historical mementoes. — Portraits of explorers, relics of exploring expeditions, and miscellanea of interest in connexion with the history of exploration.
VII. Publications. — Specimens of publications of geographical societies, and specimens of geographical literature of special interest.