Ons vroeger bestuurslid, de heer W. baron Van Goltstein, thans buitengewoon gezant en gevolmachtigd minister der Nederlandsche regeering aan het Engelsche Hof, deed ons onlangs het hier volgende artikel in de „Times" toekomen, dat wij gaarne in ons Tijdschrift overnemen. Men kan er uit zien dat het congres in Engeland zeer de aandacht trekt. Voor de toezending van het artikel betuigen wij onzen dank aan den heer Van Goltstein, wiens belangstelling in de geographie en in het Genootschap door ons ten zeerste op prijs wordt gesteld.

Programma's van het congres zijn, in beperkt aantal, te verkrijgen bij den Secretaris des Genootschaps.



The arrangements for the meeting of this congress in London are now practically complete. It has been decided by the organizing committee of the congress that the opening meeting will be held on July 26, and that the sittings will continue until August 3, 1895. The former date has been fixed mainly for social reasons, so as to suit the convenience of those who take an interest in the success of the congress, but whose engagements will not admit of their remaining in London after the Goodwood meeting, which in 1895 begins 011 July 29. It is, we understand, hoped that the Prince of Wales, as vice-patron of the congress, may be induced to open it. This is the first time that this great congress has met in England. The first meeting was held in Antwerp in 1871; then followed Paris, 1875; Venice, 1881; Paris again, 1889; and Bern, 1891. In all these places the greatest attention was shown to the members of the congress both by the Government of the countries and by the municipalities of the cities in which the congress met. Indeed, it has always been treated as to some extent a semi-official body. It was hoped that after the Venice meeting the Royal Geographical Society would be induced to invite the congress to meet in London, but for some reason this expectation was not fulfilled, and an interval of eight