different nationalities concerned, on the lines of the scheme presented to the Congress by Prof. Pettersson.

Seismic Observations.

That the Congress acknowledges the utility, and, indeed, the scientific necessity, of an international system of stations for the observation of earthqaakes.

Geographical Orthography.

That the various Geographical Societies be requested to stndy the question of arriving at some agreement as to the writing of foreign names, and to prepare reports for the next Congress.

Geographical Bibliograpliy.

That this Congress expresses its approval of the principle of State-printed Registration of Liteiature as the true foundation of National and International Bibliography, and approves the appointment of an International Committee to fnrther the said object, the constitution of the Committee to rest with the Bureau of the International Geographical Congress.

Dating of maps.

That the Congress put on record its opinion that all geographical maps should bear the date of their completion, in order to obviate the errors which would otherwise be apt to arise.

Decimal Division of Angles and Time.

That the Congress request the Geographical Societies represented at it to consider the quastion of the application of the decimal system to angular and time measurernents, and to report on the subjects to the next Congress.


Uit de ons toegezondene programma's blijkt dat de 12de duitsche geografendag gehouden zal worden te Jena, van 21 tot 23 April. De volgende onderwerpen zullen behandeld worden: 1. Berichterstattung tlber den Stand der Arbeiten der vom XI. Deutschen Geographentag in Bremen gewahlten deutschen Kommission ftlr Stldpolar-Forschung. 2. PolarForschung (Nordpol, Südpol). 3. Geophysische Fragen (Erdbeben, Beziehungen zwischen Schwerkraftmessungen, erdmagnetischen Aufnahmen und Geotektonik, u. s. w.). 4. Biologische Geographie (Thier- und Pflanzengeographie). 5. Thüringische Landeskunde. 6. Schulgeographische Fragen.