Mrs. Hutchinson, In ten/s in the Transvaal. London 1879. 8°, 220 pp. London, Bentley, 1879. Pr. 10 sh. 6 d. (Ant. bij Fred. Muller te
Amsterdam & ƒ3,50).
E. F. Sandeman, Eight months in an ox waggon ; Remiscences of a Boer life. 8°, 414 pp., met kaart. London, Griffith, 1880. Pr. 15 sh.
J. Nixon, Among the Boers; notes of a trip to South Africa in search of health. 8°, 324 pp. London, Renington, 1880. Pr. 10 sh. 6.
*F. R. Statham, Blacks, Boers, British. 1881.
Dr. Wangemann, Sud-Afrika und seine Bewohner nach den Beziehungen der Geschichte, Geographie, Ethnologie, Staaten- und Kirchenbildung, Mission und des Racenkampfes. Mit Karte. Berlin, Missionshaus, 1881. Pr. 5 M. — Bespr. PM. 1882, p. 154.
J. A. R. Smit, Die Transvaal Republik und ihre Entstehung. 8°. Cöln, Mayèr, 1881. Pr. 2 M.
Transvaal Commission. Blue Book I. 3?ol. Met kaarten. 10 sh. II. Fol. 1 sh. 4 d. London, King, 1882.
South Africa. Transvaal and adjacent territories. (Bluebook). Fol. London, King, 1882. Pr. 1 sh. 8 d.
H. R. Haggard, Cetewayo and his white neighbours; remarks on recent events in Zululand, Natal and the Transvaal. S , 294 pp. London, Trübner, 1882. Pr. xo sh. 6 d.
J. H. Junius , De koloniën en staten van Zuid-Afrika. 8°, 115 pp. Tiel, Campagne, 1882. Pr. ƒ0,70.
Mrs. Heckford , A lady trader in the Transvaal. 8°, 412 pp. London 1882. (Ant. bij Fred. Muller te Amsterdam è ƒ2,50).
Mrs. Wilkinson, A lady's life and travels in Zululand and the Transvaal during Cetewayo's reign. 8°, 274 pp. London, Hayes, 1882.
G. B. Clark, The Transvaal and Bechuanaland. 8°, 80 pp. London, Juta, Heelis & Co., 1883. Pr. 1 sh. — Vgl. PM. 1883, p. 356.
C. Du Val, With a show through Southern Africa and personai remi7iiscences of the Transvaal war. 2 vol. 8°, 510 pp. London, Timsley, 1882. Pr. 21 sh.
B. H. van Breemen, Schetsen en beelden uit Zuid-Afrika. 8°, 127 pp. Amsterdam 1883. Pr. ƒ 1.—.
*Address to the members of the Antislavery and Aborigines protection societies upon the native question, by the Transvaal Deputation. London 1883.
J. de Louter, De Transvaalsche deputatie. Utr. 1884. (Ant. bij Brill te Leiden & ƒ0,50).