dungen. Chicago, Selbstverlag 1892. Pr. 2 doll. — Bespr. PML. 1893, n°. 559.
E. ton Hesse-Wartbgo, Chicago. 8°, 228 pp. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1893. Pr. 4 M. — Bespr. PML. 1893, n°. 560.
J. W. Powell, Eighth annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology 1886—87. 8°, XXXVI, 298 pp. Washington 1891. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 244.
Ninth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology 1887—88. Gr. 8°, XXVI +
617 pp. Washington, Governm. print, office, 1892. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 481.
Eleventh Annual Report of the U. S. Geol. Survey to the Secretary of Interior 1889—90 by J. W. Powell. Director. Part II. Irrigation. 8°, 395 pp. Washington
1891. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 239.
Geological Survey of Alissouri. — Uitv. refer. der verschillende artikelen in PML. 1893, n°. 565.
Michigan , Report of the State Board of Geological Survey for the years 1891 and
1892. 8°, 192 pp. Lansing 1893. — Bespr. PML. 1893, n°. 474.
D. T. Day, Mineral Resources of the United States 1889 and 1890. Gr. 8°, 671 pp. Washington 1892. Pr. 0,50 doll. — Bespr. PML. 1893, n°. 581.
J. F. Kemp, The ore Deposits of the United States. 8°, 302 pp. Xew-York, Scient. Pnbl., 1893. Pr. 4 doll. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 486.
H. Paasche, Kultur- und Reiseskizzen aus Nord- und Uittel-Amerika. 8°, 553 pp. Magdeburg, Rathke, 1894. Pr. 10 M. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 463.
Handbook of the American Republics (n°. 9) Mexico. 8°, Washington, Bnreau of American Republics, 1891.
Middel-Amerika en West Indie.
E. Reclus , Nouvelle Géographie universelle. XVII: Jndes occidentales. Gr. 8°, 926 pp. etc. Paris, Hachette, 1891. Pr. 30 fr. — Bespr. PML. 1892, n°. 847.
Guatemala. Bnreau of the American Republics. 8°, 188 pp. Washington 1892. — Bespr. PML. 1893, n°. 292.
Costa Rica. Bureau of the American Republics. Washington. 8°, 146 pp. — Bespr. PML. 1892, n°. 815.
The interoceanic Canal of Nicaragua, lts history, physical condition, plans and prospects. Publ. by the Nicaragua. Can. Constr. comp. 4°, 164 pp. New-York 1891. — Bespr. PML. 1892, n°. 814.
Tippenhauer, Die Insel Haiti. 8°, 693 pp. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1893. — Bespr. PML. 1892, n°. 824 en 1893, n°. 299.
S. P. Messon & T. L. Roxedsgh, The Handbook of Jamaica for 1891—-92. 8°, 587 pp. London, Stanford, 1891.
H. T. Thomas, Untrodden Jamaica. 8°, 90 pp. Kingston (-Jamaica). Gardner, 1890. — Bespr. Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. 1891, p. 570.
H. Monet, La Martinique. Gr. 8°, 412 pp. Paris, Savine, 1892. Pr. 5 fr.— Bespr. PML. 1892, n°. 825.
E. Reclus, Nouvelle géographie Universelle. XIX. Amérique du Sud, VAmazonie et La Plata. Gr. 8°, 821 pp. Paris, Hachette, 1894. Pr. 30 fr. — Bespr. PML 1894, n°. 514.