Nieuwere werken over Amerika ').
In de hier volgende opgave zijn geen tijdschrift-artikelen opgenomen.
Amerika in het algemeen.
G. F. Wright, The lee Age in North America. 8°, 622 pp. Met kaarten en ill. New-York, Appleton, 1889. Pr. 5 dl. — Bespr. PML. 1891, n°. 357.
N. S. Shaler, Nature and Man in America. 8°, XIV + 290 pp. New-York, Scribner, 1891. — Bespr. PML. 1893, n°. 550.
G. Brintok , 2 he American Race: a linguistic classification and ethnogr. description of the Natives Tribes of North and South America. 8°, 392 pp. New-York, Hodges, 1891. — Bespr. Proc. R. G. Soc. 1891, n°. 5, p. 304. — PML. 1893, n°. 273.
K. Kretschmer , Die Entdeckung Amerikas in ihrer Bedeutung Jur die Geschichte des Weltbildes. Mit einem Atlas von 40 Tafeln. Berlin, Kühl, 1892. Pr. 75 M. — Uilv. bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 311.
H. Harrisse, Chritophe Colomb devant Vhistoire. Paris, Weiter, 1892. Pr. 3 fr. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 318.
W. B. Scaife, America, its geographical history 1492—1892. 8°, 176 pp. Baltimore, Hopkins Press, 1892 Pr. 1,50 doll. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 322.
R. Cronaü , Amerika, die Geschichte seiner Entdeckung von der altesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. Bd. I. 8°, 480 pp. Leipzig, Abel & Muller, 1892. Pr. 12 M. — Kritiek van Prof. Ruge. PML. 1894, n°. 317.
A. Wishart, The Behring Sea question, the arbitration treaty and the award. 8°, 54 pp. Met kaart. Edinburgh, Green & S., 1893. Pr. 1 sh. 6 d. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 230.
Bering Sea Arbitration. — Uitvoerig refer. in PML. 1893, n°. 553.
H. Seton Karr, Bear hunting in the White Mountains; or, Alaska and British Columbia revisited. 8°, 146 pp., met kaart. London, Chapman & Hall, 1891. Pr. 4sh. 6 d. — Bespr. Sc. Geogr. Mag. 1892, p. 110.
G. Broke, With Sack and Stock in Alaska. 12°, 138 pp., 2 kaarten. London, Longmans, 1891. Pr. 5 sh. — Bespr. Proc. R. G. Soc. London 1891, p. 740.
. P. Gheswell, Geography of the Dominion of Canada and New Foundland. 12°, 154 pp. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. Pr. 6 sh. — Bespr. Proc. R. G. Soc. 1891, XIII, n°. 5, p. 305.
O. A. Howland, The New Empire 8°, 608 pp. London, Arnold, 1891. Pr. 12 sh. 6 d. — Bespr. Sc. G. Mag. 1892, p. 107; Proc. R. G. Soc. 1892, p. 13.
Canada. Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the year 1892. Ottawa 1893. — Bespr. PML. 1894, n°. 231.
1) Zie jaargang 1892, p. 996.