E. L. Long. A note on the transmission of leprosy 796
The British Medical Association 79th annual meeting, Section of
tropical medicine , 796
H. Stevens. An analyse of 326 cases of asiatic cholera . . 798
Atti Della Societa per gli studi della malaria 799
\V. M. James. A preliminary report on a method for preventing
the development of pernicious malaria 807
M. Glogner. Die Aetiologie der Beri-beri und die Stellung
dieser Krankheit im nosologischen System. ..... 104 A. Castellani and A. J. Chalmers. Manual of tropical
medicine 104
Dr. B. Scheube. Die Krankheiten der warmen Lander. . . . 106 Malcolm Watson. The prevention of malaria in the Federated
Malay states 436
Dr. J. D. KaYSER. Voordrachten over tropische huidziekten . 438
W. Carnegie Brown. Sprue and its treatment 791
„ Amoebic or tropical dysentery, its
complications and treatment 791
Ronald Ross. The prevention of malaria 791
Far eastern association of tropical medicine 280
Een antwoord op „de strijd over de creolinetherapie'", van O.
Deggeller, door E. W. K. v. d. Borne 551
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