7. Will you humbly and willingly Submit your Self to our Admonitions and the Discipline of the aforementioned reformed Churches.

Will you take care that you and your family walk Unblameably; be Examples to the flock, and adorn the profession of the Gospel by your Conversation ? 8. Do you own and promise Allegiance to his Majesty King Geogre the third in all things Civil and lawful?

We do hereby certify that the Revd Mr Bruin Romkes Comingoe (alias Brown) after due Examination, and trial was this day Set apart by prayer and the Imposition of hands to the office of the holy Ministry over the Dutch Calvinistic Presbyterian Congregation of Lunenburg, by Us.

John Seccombe. Halifax, July 3.1770. Ja: Lyon Benajah Phelps

James Murdoch


List fan emigranten üt Fryslan, Grinslan, Eastfryslan en guon Nederlanske stêdden, gearstald fan Dr. Winthrop Bell to Chester, N.S. Origin as shown Name as given Name as it appears in signain ship s list in ship’s list ture in Indebtedness List Vriesland Julius Aissens Jujlies (?) Aisses (?) Vriesland Gert je Bruins Tijltse (??) Bruins Vriesland Koene Huisinga Koene Huisinga Vriesland J. Laurence Kelder Jan Louwerens Kelder Vriesland Gerrit Lutjes Gerrit Luities Vriesland Joh. Bern. Neiar Johannes Bernnhardis Neiar Vriesland Elze van der Bult Edze van der Bult (or: Bultz?) Groningen Hendrick Claasen Hindrick Klasen Groningen Abraham Jansen Abraham Jans Groningen Hendrick Leysterbach Lijsterbos (or: Lysterbos?) Groningen Chr. Preus Kristian Prus (?) Groningen Bruin Romkies Bruin Romkes Groningen Joh. Schoonvelt Johannes Schoonvelt Groningen Geo. Suderusch (No signature; could pay his passage) Groningen Daniël Zeeman Danij el Zeeman East Friesland Geile Gertzen Jelle (?) Geerts (First letter of first name might be almost anything) East Friesland Henderk Jansen (Made his „mark”, the name being written: Hindrick Jans). East Friesland Hieke Jansen Hieke Jansen