The Assembly of Scotland in the year 1708 (the records of which we have had before us) appointed the Presbytery of Skey to ordain one in the Parish of St. Kilda on the Account of his particular Gifts, who had not a Liberal Education, or even the knowledge of the Latin tongue: And we find that both in former and later periods in Cases of necessity, (wh appears to be the State of Lunenburg) when the sd Church was not harrased with Divisions have practised accordingly.

We have moreover Instances on this Continent of persons who were not endowed with a Liberal Education who have been regularly admitted into holy Orders, and have in the judgment of Charity been Instrumental in turning many unto righteousness.

2. That this is only Supporting a faction – We have also enquir’d into this particular, and on due examination find this Charge groundless. They have in their Native Land been brought up in the Calvinistic Presbyterian Religion; and do still, as we are well informed continue in the same Sentiments.

As the Legislature then of this Colony has wisely enacted that such shall have free Liberty of Conscience; shall have liberty to Erect and build Meeting houses, or places of Worship, and Serve Godin that manner which appears to them congruous to his Will. We, from this and the foregoing considerations together with the Information we have had that some of them who always have been Useful Inhabitants would leave the Province Unless this matter could be accomplished, have concluded to Set the Candadate apart to the office of the holy Ministry.

Having therefore Judged Mr. Brown qualified to be Pastor and Minister of the Congregation at Lunenburg who have petitioned us to set him apart to that office, we do hereby give notice to alle present, That if they have any thing to Object why he should not be admitted Pastor of the aforesaid Congregation, that they now make a Declaration of the Same. If no Objection is offer’d we shall proceed without further delay.

2. Mr Kaulback and Mr Supley, do you, as Commissioners from the Congregation of Calvenists at Lunenburg, renew in their behalf, your Call to Mr Brown ? Do you Mr Brown Accept of the Said Call and Invitation to be their Pastor ?

Ques. 1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament and the Truths therein contained to be the Word of God?

2. Do you own, and will you adhere to the Confession of faith which you have made to us, The Hiedelburgh and Assemblies Catechisms, and the Doctrines therein contained as being founded on and consonant unto the holy Scriptures ? 3. Will you by the Grace of God be faithful and Zealous in maintening the truths of the Gospel, the Unity of the Church and peace thereof against all opposition you may meet with ?

4. Do you likewise own and will you adhere to the Worship, Discipine and Government of the Protestant reformed Presbyterian Churches, as being founded on and agreable to the Scriptures?

5. Have you been led in your designing the Work of the Ministry by a Single and Sincere Love to God, and aim at his glory, and not by filthy Lucre and the motives of worldly gain?

6. Do you engage to be diligent and assidnous in praying, reading, meditating, preaching, administring the Sacraments, Catechising, Exercising Discipline, and in performing all other Ministerial Duties toward the people committed to your Charge.