it archyf op de hjir jowne nammen neigien, mar hja binne neat tsjinkaem dat der hwat op like. By it öfmeitsjen fan dit opstel lit men jins tinzen noch ris gean oer de libbensgong fan dizze ünbikende emigrant, en oer de swierrichheden, dy’t hy en syn hüshalding, lyk as safolle oaren yn dy tiid, trochmakke hawwe moatte. Emigraesje nei de bare wyldernis, twa hündert jier lyn, wie noch hwat oars as emigraesje hjoed-de-dei. Lykwols is in moderne emigrant miskien efkes better as in oar by steat him it bistean fan de wolkaerder-pionier-fiskerman-dümny Brün Romkes yn to tinken en syn prestaesjes to wurdearjen. En dan moat er wol ta it bislüt komme: in singeliere man mei singeliere jeften!


Ofskrift fan in fotografyske reproduksje fan in dokumint, bifetsjende in gearfetting fan de „proceedings” fan in Presbytery-gearkomste yn Mather’s (of St. Matthew’s) Church to Halifax, N.S., 3 july 1770. (üt de bibliotheek fan Queen’s University, Kingston (Ont.), Canada.) A Representation of the distressed State of the Dutch Calvinists of Lunenburgh having been made to us who are here on this Occasion Assembled or Convened together as the Ministers of Gods word, We accordingly took the same into our serious consideration. We have found upon due enquiry ...(?) a number of the Inhabitants of the aforemention’d place being destitute of One who might break the bread of life amongst them, and perform the other duties of the Ministerial Function, agreable to the Scriptures and the Dictates of their own Consciences: in consequence of which they have made Application to the Ministers of their own Demonination in Philadelphia; the Answer to this Application was that no relief could be expected from that Quarter: and moreover, that none could from Germany, as the Distance of the place and many other difficulties rendred it in a great Measure impracticable. Their last resource then appears to have been the ch(oo)sing (one of their own number) Mr Bruin Romkess Comingoe, known commonly by the name of Brown. To the amount of Sixty families have petitioned us to set apart the Said Mr. Brown to the office of the Ministry amongst them. Lest the Vital Religion should be injur d by Such a procedure, we have Used all that precaution which was possible for us in so important an affair. An inquiry has been made into his moral Charecter; and we find from Gentlemen of Undoubted Veracity that it stands fair and Unblemished. W e have moreover proceeded to enquire into his qualifications for so Sacred an Employment; viz., his knowledge of Speculative religion and practical, his ability in rightly dividing the Word; the Articles of his faith, etc. – And we can Assure this Audience (or others) that he has given us ample Satisfaction in all these particulars; and that if we are Judges of these Matters, his knowledge of the Scriptures makes that commonly recieved Maxim amongst the Schools true concerning him, Bonus Textuarius est bonus Theologus: and consequently cannot be stigmatiz’d with the name of a Novice.

We have been aware of some Objections which have been made against the Candidate’s Admission into this Sacred Office, viz. 1. That he has not had a Liberal Education and is Unacquainted with the Languages. To this we reply that we only follow the Example of the best reformed Churches.