The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Having been convened at Montreal by the Goveming Body of the International Labour Office, and having met m lts Twenty-ninth Session on 19 September 1946; and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain amendments to the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, a question which is included in the second item on the agenda of the Session,

adopts, this ninth day of October of the year one thousand. nine hundred and forty-six, the following instrument for the amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, which may be cited as the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation Instrument of Amendment, 1946:

Article 1.

As from the date of the coming into force of this Instrument of Amendment, the Constitution of the International Lab°iJ Organisation, of which the text at present in force is set tor_ in the first column of the Annex to this Instrument, shall ha^ effect as amended in the second column of the said Anne •

Article 2.

Two copies of this Instrument of Amendment shall be authe^ ticated by the signatures of the President of the Monteren and of the Director-General of the International Labour Oil). One of these copies shall be deposited in the archives ot / International Labour Office and the other shall _be cornrr11^- . cated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for tration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter o ^ United Nations. The Director-General will communicate a^c ^ ified copy of the Instrument to all the Members of the J-n national Labour Organisation.