ject to amendment by agreement of the Governments immediateiy effected by them, notice of anysuch amendment to be given to the Secretary General of the Organization by the Governments concerned, acting jointly or separately.
(^) Ireland shall make a general monetary contribution afc the rate of £ 5 000 per annum.
Artiele 4.
(1) General monetary contributions may be made by Governments towards the financing of the ocean weather stations provided under this Agreernent.
(2) Any such general monetary contributions may be reeeived by the Council of the Organization and shall be applied m accordance with priorities to be determined by it from time to time.
(3) The Council of the Organization is requested to examine the question of approaching Governments, other than those which are signatories to this Agreement, with a view to inviting
iem to consider making general monetary contributions. Any Government, making such a contribution, shall become a party to this Agreement and this Artiele and the list of parties to this Agreement shall be deemed to be amended accordingly.
Artiele 5.
(1) If any difference between two or more signatory Governments relating to the interpretation or application o"f this Agreement and its Annexes, cannot be settled by direct negotiation, such difference shall, on the application of any Government party to the difference, be referred to the Council of the Urgamzation for its reeommendation.
Artiele 6.
« W This Agreement shall come into force upon acceptance by all the signatory Governments.
(2) Each signatory Government shall inform the Secretary General of the Organization at the earliest possible date whether signature on its behalf constitutes an acceptance of this Agreement. °
tn The ^ecr.etar7 Ge"eral of the Organization is requested to mform all signatory Governments of each acceptance of
into toTe6™ & 6 0n t^is Agreement comes
Artiele 7.
+• i1^ ,,Subiect to ,tlle provisions of Paragraph (2) of this Artiele, the present Agreement shall remain in force until June